I spent some time with family this past 4th of July holiday. The family rented a beautiful house in Elkton, Virginia. It wass only a few miles away from beautiful Shenandoah National Park. We got there on Friday afternoon and it was kind of hazy but not so hot. The weather prediction for that weekend was hot and hazy, immediately I was concerned that it would be hazy Saturday morning when I was planning to go for a drive in the park. If you are not familiar with Shenandoah National Park, there’s a road that cut through the park called Skyline drive, it’s 105 miles long with many overlooks along the way. There were four entrance to Skyline drive and the closest to where I was staying was Swift Run Gap which was on mile marker 65. I decided to go up north, it took me a while to find a good spot or overlook. I drove for almost one hour north, mind you there was 35 mile/hr speed limit and there were lots of wildlife. There were lots of deers on and side of the road, I even saw a skunk crossing the road. It was a very active morning for the wildlife. I don’t quiet remember the name of the overlook but I think it was either Hemlock Springs or Thorofare Mtn Overlook, when I got to the spot, there was another photographer there and I was sure then that I’m at a good spot. It turned out to be a beautiful sunrise. The sky was beautiful and the sunrise was amazing. The sun was coloring the white cloud with its reddish orange color and in the background the blue sky was just magnificent. The vast mountain pics and valleys on the middle ground and the beautiful flowers and grass on the foreground were just beautiful that morning. I suddenly didn’t mind waking up at 3:30 am to experience and photograph this magical sunrise. In the end it was all worth the trouble waking up and driving for miles. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. Enjoy the photo.