I bit the bullet and got Sony NEX-7 with 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 and 16mm f/2.8. It’s a great camera, its compact with lots of customizable knobs, buttons and wheels. I also love that it has APS-C sensor with 1.5 crop factor. I also have a few gripes with the Sony NEX-7, the bracketing for one was much less to be desired and the low light performance could be better. With all that said I bought the Sony NEX-7 for more casual, family, and all around walking camera, it will not be replacing my Nikon system any time soon. Here are some HDR shots from the Sony NEX-7 using manual bracketing. Let me know what you guys think!

Great compositions, color, contrast without looking overworked.
Parabéns pelo trabalho, gostei muito da composição das imagens, ângulos, elementos arquitetônicos, luz e principalmente as formações de luz natural com a dos edifÃcios e formação das nuvens completando a(s) imagem(s) perfeita(s). Beautiful
I thought of getting one too. Might wait on the nex-9. Nice shots. Noise better then a D200? I would think so.
I have never shot a D200, but I find the NEX-7 particularly noisy in low light. I checked out the NEX-6n last week at NYC Photoshop expo, it has built in wifi and sony has app on iOS and android phones that can control the camera. I thought that was interesting. Sony just release a firmware update on Sony NEX-7 one of the major update, at least for me, was bracketing selection is used to be just 0.3 and 0.7 EV now you can go up to 1EV to 3EV. I would have love to seen a 5 bracketed shots but I’ll take what I can get. Thanks for visiting and hope you come back soon.