Here is another shot of New York City skyline but in black and white. Â This is a different series of shot from my last blog post. Â It is also my first time posting a black and white photo and on top of that it’s HDR. Â This one is also a series of 5 shots (-2, -1, 0, +1, and +2). Â I went through my HDR process and I found the color of the water very unattractive, it was like brownish green but I really like the detail on the five post and you can still identify the buildings in the background. Â This is my first Black and White picture so please let me know what you think and if you have any tips/tricks please leave me a message.
Nice use of b&w here!
Nice shot…amazing sky
I think you should try cropping the fore ground out. It looks too textbook correct.
It doesn’t pull you into the sky line.
It’s always hard to take out something
when, hey it’s so cool the way that you
got all that stuff in a row. I would try cutting
off some of the object in the foreground
which will also look a little panoramic.
In my education, I was once and often
forced to study the NYC skyline, by an
educator who worked for cue magazine.
With every breath I take the skyline concepts of his haunt me and drive me.